Casey Eagan

PAX Rumble V

Casey “Yung Dota” Eagan from Chainsawsuit made her LOH debut at the fifth RUMBLE as a means of promoting Hierarch, which was slightly upsetting to Pat Baer. But, when you’re a world champion of a pre-pre-alpha video game, you do what you gotta do. As the pinnacle of eSports Entertainment, League of Heels obviously attracts those who have proven themselves as the best of the best.

In the Rumble itself, Yung Dota entered at #11 as Chyna and immediately went to work by eliminating two of the favorites to win the whole thing; Teddy Died and Alex Navarro. Thanks to Casey, these two rivals never had a chance to meet in the ring, which escalated that feud into a Loser Leaves Town match at PAXAMANIA IV. Casey was eventually eliminated by ”Authentic New Yorker” Dan Ryckert, but survived almost five and a half minutes in the match. That was longer than anyone other anyone except Mega Ran or Ryckert at that year’s Rumble.
Dief is confused…and out. Casey eliminates an incapacitated Navarro.

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